I’ve written more lyrics than I can count.

I want to help your with yours. If you’re writing something that just isn’t sitting right, lemme take a look

The Death Of Us – Rewrite

The Death Of Us – Rewrite
A few bars about the frustrations around a certain virus. The original bars are too generic. They don’t stand on their own, you’d be hard pressed to tell what they were about. Because of this, they lack emotional impact. Also, not much wordplay. The rewritten bars are specific – it’s pretty easy to tell what…

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Sometimes – Rewrite

Sometimes – Rewrite
A verse I rewrote – the writer liked the ideas and concepts in their verse, but needed some help. It was an upbeat tune so I used a simpler flow with faster paced lines.

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Follow the Lead

Follow the Lead
I wrote this song in 2012. Even not being religious, I’ve found the poem “footprints” to resonate with me. I thought it was a cool way to look at the lonelier and harder parts in life. But I realized that I’d never seen those footprints, and that’s when this song spilled out of me.

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